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Abby Dufrene

I help men and women more effectively discern and fulfill God's calling on their lives. 


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It's called 30 for $30!. With 30 for $30, you can book a 1-time 30 minute coaching call with me for just $30. Trust me, we can do a lot in just 30 minutes, and sometimes, all people need is a good Catholic sounding board to get them unstuck and back into action. 

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About Abby

Abby is a Certified Catholic Coach, helping others more effectively live in their unique design and fulfill God’s calling on their lives. She is trained to coach with the Temperaments, APEST, and CliftonStrengths assessments. 

As Metanoia Catholic’s Director of Mission Expansion, Abby oversees collaborations and partnerships with parishes, dioceses, apostolates, and other organizations. She enjoys presenting Metanoia Catholic workshops, as well as serving as a Drill Instructor for the coaches in-training. 

Abby has experience serving in a variety of leadership roles, helping turn ideas into action and equipping others to step out of mediocrity and into the greater purpose they were created for. She’s undergone training with Human Formation Coalition, the Theology of the Body Institute, Witness to Love, and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. She also holds a masters in Occupational Therapy.

Abby lives in Ave Maria, Florida, with her husband, Mark, and their two children.
