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Jenay Franco

I help Catholic women discover their unique mission and grow in virtue through strengths and temperaments.


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So many Catholic women have owned their fears and failures and the lie that they are too much and not enough at the same time. They try to emulate what other women are doing, but that usually turns into comparison. They’ve tried all of the courses and certifications in an effort to fix their problems. They think more information will give them clarity and get them moving forward. They think it needs to be perfect to start, so they stay stuck. They want to make an impact but it feels like they are constantly meeting resistance when they try. They are disappointed in themselves for not making more progress by now. They are trying to solve their problems on their own instead of relying on the grace given by the Holy Spirit.

If this is you, I have been there! I was so busy comparing myself to my favorite mentors and coaches that I missed the beauty of how God created me uniquely. I had such a fire in my heart for creating impact, but no idea how to do that in an integrated way. I felt “wrong” in so many ways, and only a couple of people in my life seemed to understand me. Even as I followed the call to start ministering to others in a new way, I burned out quickly. I desired so strongly to follow God’s plan for my life, but lacked clarity and direction, struggling to put all the ideas I had accumulated into action.

Does any of this sound like you? There is a way forward!

One of my favorite songs by Sarah Kroger is called “Belovedness,” and there’s a beautiful line in it that says, “It’s time to own your belovedness…” What would it look like for us to own who we were created to be? To know deeply that we are loved fiercely and forever by our Father, and to live from that place of confidence?

Schedule a Discovery Call

Want to know more about what it would be like to work with me? Schedule a discovery a call and let's get started!

Jenay Franco Family Oaks Vertical Zoomed In

About Jenay

Hello! My name is Jenay! I live in Alexandria, Louisiana with my husband, Chris, and our family. We have four children on earth and one in Heaven. Lucy, Olivia, Amelie, and Damien are ages 11 to 4 and keep us on our toes! It is so fun to watch their own individual personalities take shape!

I’ve always had a passion for connection and personal growth, so I have spent most of my life learning everything I can about physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I believe that we are responsible for our own growth and that the goal is to “Become who you are” as Pope St. John Paul II said. 

After entering deeply into my own healing through CatholicPsych in recent years, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to live an integrated life that spread God’s light to others. I had never experienced counseling through a Catholic lens and it was powerful. I discovered Metanoia Catholic shortly thereafter, and it felt like the dots of my life were finally being connected.

I had dealt with much of the trauma of my past, but hadn’t been able to move forward. I “knew” how to be better, but couldn’t seem to put it into action. I tried to imitate others instead of owning my unique call. Metanoia Catholic helped me connect the dots and understand how I was created so that I could make real, lasting progress. I began to see how God’s grace was the actual change agent and transformer of my heart. These tools drastically improved my relationship with myself, my husband, and my kids. They have also fueled me to live my own unique mission and help others do the same! The value of our own unique “yes” to God is invaluable, and He wants us moving toward His will in freedom!
