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Maggie Wright

I help others achieve the weight-loss that seems impossible by developing a healthy relationship with food, healthy habits, and wholeness in Christ.


How to Navigate the Holidays with Grace


Sleigh the Scale is a workshop designed to help you to navigate the highs and
lows of the Advent and Christmas Season without feeling deprived, overeating
due to stress, totally giving up on your selfcare, all while still enjoying all of the
celebrations and preparation as you are focused on what truly matters.


Do you find yourself saying these things during the Advent and Christmas seasons:

“I can’t be bad this year and eat the mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin
pie, chocolate fudge, etc. I don’t want to blow up like a balloon.”

“I deserve this because I have been working hard preparing for ______.”

“I need to fast all day so I can enjoy Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner” or I
have to fast all day tomorrow because I ate too much Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner.”

“I am going to spend extra time at the gym today, because I ate/drank
too much at the party last night.”


“I am going to eat what I want now and be good when January 1st comes.”

But What If…..

- You could eat all of the traditional holiday foods without blowing up like a
- You can get through the holidays without severely restricting or starving
- You could actually enjoy holiday parties without guilt?
- You don’t have to punish yourself or beat yourself up if you eat or drink at a
- Holiday stress does not have to result in an eating binge?
- You don’t have to spend hours at the gym just to make up for indulging in a treat?
- You could have control over your life rather than food controlling you?
- You learned to love yourself the way God does?

With God, all of this is within your reach!

This workshop will help you:

1.) Bring your desires for this Advent and Christmas Season to the Lord and
prioritize what is truly important.
2.) Learn to set yourself up for success for parties, and special events.
3.) Avoid Holiday burnout and stress eating.
4.) Create a healthier relationship with food.
5.) Kick the “I’ll do it later” mentality to the curb and be the best you in the present
6.) Let go of the Restriction/Deprivation mindset and allow yourself to be perfectly

This self-paced 3 hour workshop includes the video, a downloadable workbook, and access to my Slack community.   


Join me to learn how to end the holiday crash and burn for good, reclaim your life and Sleigh the Scale!



Wanna do a quick and affordable one-time coaching call with me?

It's called 30 for $30!. With 30 for $30, you can book a 1-time 30 minute coaching call with me for just $30. Trust me, we can do a lot in just 30 minutes, and sometimes, all people need is a good Catholic sounding board to get them unstuck and back into action. 

Ready to book? Click below, pick a time, checkout, and I'll see you on our call!


Schedule a Discovery Call

Want to know more about what it would be like to work with me? Schedule a discovery a call and let's get started!

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About Maggie

Hello! My name is Maggie.  I am a wife of a Deacon, a mother of 12, and a Secular Franciscan.  My husband, Eric, and I live in Central Ohio where we serve on the Leadership Team for a large Catholic parish.  

I have always desired to work for the Church. In 2016  I was asked by my Pastor to work for our parish and aid in the efforts to stop the sharp decline. Giving up my corporate job, I used my education and experience in Accounting and Finance to help the parish become financially stable.  In 2017, I took the official title of Director of Finance and Development. 

When I arrived, the parish was barely surviving in maintenance mode with no staff, a declining school, no faith formation, and a very unstable offertory.  In my desire to see change, I quickly found myself overwhelmed, stuck, defeated, and out of balance in all areas of my life.  I was seriously overweight, my relationships were suffering, I was overcommitted, and was left feeling very defeated.  

I was offered the beautiful gift of coaching from someone who recognized my struggles. I was incredibly grateful for the opportunity. However, I was unable to fully engage in it because it was a secular coaching program that was riddled with New Age philosophies that contradicted my faith. 

I was grateful to find Metanoia Catholic and the Academy.  All of the work I did in the Academy helped me transform my life in a way that can only be described as miraculous. 

I lost over 150 lbs., found balance in my life, found healing, and learned to be an effective leader without sacrificing balance in my personal life.  Eventually, I became a Certified Catholic Coach with a great desire to help others transform their lives.  In my work at the parish, I have received coaching and training through programs such as Divine Renovation and Amazing Parish. I have had professional training and attended programs dealing with transformation and healing (Unbound, John Paul II Healing Center, and Encounter School of Ministry), which, paired with my training through Metanoia Catholic, has given me a unique ability to help those who may find themselves stuck, overwhelmed, and out of balance with a true desire for change become the person God intended them to be.  

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