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Marty Thompson

I help men overcome personal obstacles and become stronger, more virtuous husbands and fathers.


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Become a Virtuous Man

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About Marty

Hello! My name is Marty Thompson. I live in Northlake, Texas with my wife, Diana, and four boys, Augustine (12), Elijah (10), Joseph (8), and Isaiah (6).

I graduated with a Theology degree from Holy Apostle Catholic College and Seminary in 2020. I received a coaching certification from The John Maxwell Team in 2020. I also received a Catholic coaching certification from Metanoia Catholic in 2022. I’ve been involved with 12 Step recovery for 22 years, including 1 year with Catholic in Recovery, a beautiful and powerful Catholic ministry where I continue to help Catholic men thrive in their Catholic faith and recovery.

I was blessed with sobriety from alcohol and drug addiction in November of 2000 and baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church 4 years later. 

I realized as a newly baptized Catholic that I had a serious problem with lust issues and it was controlling my life, producing feelings of shame, anxiety, and low self-esteem. In 2006, I surrendered my lustful issues to God and, with the help of my confessor/Spiritual Director and the teachings of St. Pope John Paul II and his teachings on the Theology of the Body, I experienced transformation and freedom from acting out of the obsession. 

I wished back then I had a Catholic mindset coach that would have helped me to manage and transform the thoughts and beliefs that led to lustful thinking and behaviors. It would have saved me years of difficult work overcoming the beliefs that I had about myself, God, and women. 

After just one year of getting coached and participating in the Metanoia Catholic Academy and using the Metanoia Journal, I’ve been able to overcome childhood fears that grew into rooted stubborn beliefs that caused anxiety and shame that kept me stuck from growing in my potential and personal vocation. 

Metanoia Catholic mindset coaching has given me the freedom and power to gain a deeper self-awareness, growth in virtue, especially temperance and a clean heart and mind, and a strong sense of purpose as a Godly man, husband, and father.

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